
Important Terms Related to Branding

Important Terms Related to Branding

The various terms relating to branding are as follows:

  1. Brand: A brand is a name, phrase, symbol, icon, drawing or some permutation of them, used to recognize the products—goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to distinguish them from those of the competitors. For example, a few of the familiar brands are Bata, Lifebuoy, Dunlop and Parker. Brand is a broad term, which has two components—brand name and brand mark.
  2. Brand Name: That element of a brand, which can be spoken, is called a brand name. In other words, brand name is the verbal section of a brand. For example, Asian Paints, Maggie, Lifebuoy, Dunlop, and Coca-Cola are the brand names.
  3. Brand Mark: That part of a brand which can be recognized but which is not complete proficient is called brand mark. It appears in the form of a sign, aim, distinct color design or lettering. For example, the Gattu of Asian Paints or symbol of Yogkshma of LIC, or four fingers and a palm of Anacin are all brand marks.
  4. Trade Mark: A brand or element of a brand that is set authorized protection is called trademark. The security is given against its use by other firms. Thus the firm, which got its brand registered, gets the special precise for its use. In that case, no other firm can use such name or mark in the country.