
Strategic Vision conveyed to people of the organization

Strategic Vision conveyed to people of the organization

Strategic Vision has worldwide experience developing tools to measure decision-making, human behavior, attitudes, and perceptions. Its globally relevant, comprehensive theory of human behavior creates the most effective strategies addressing decision-making in product development and communications in the widest variety of fields, including automotive, customer service, government and politics, medicine and healthcare, organizational and jury, travel and leisure, food and beverages, and education.

A managerial imperative exists to look beyond today and think strategically. The strategic vision conveyed to the people of the organization in the following ways:

(1) It attracts commitment and energizes people: This is one of the primary reasons for ‘having a vision for an organization: its motivational effect. When people can see that the organization is committed to a vision-and that entails more than just having a vision statement-it generates enthusiasm about the course the organization intends to follow and increases the commitment of people to work toward achieving that vision.

(2) It creates meaning in workers lives: A vision allows people to feel like they are part of a greater whole and hence provides meaning for their work. The right vision will mean something to everyone in the organization if they can see how what they do contributes to that vision.

(3) It establishes a standard of excellence: A vision serves a very important function in establishing a standard .of excellence. In fact, a good vision is all about excellence.

A vision so characterized by lack of a striving for excellence would not motivate or excite anyone about that organization. The standard of excellence also can serve as a continuing goal and stimulate quality improvement programs, as well as providing a measure of the worth of the organization.

(4) It bridges the present and the future: The right vision takes the organization out of the present, and focuses it on the future. It’s easy to get caught up in the crises of the day and to lose sight of where you were heading. A good vision can orient you on the future, and provide positive direction.

(5) A proactive approach: A business vision is basically a proactive approach towards business, which basically means that you will not allow outside factors to hamper your success. By formulating a vision for a successful business and revealing it to your employees and the public, you give your customers and yourself the conviction and ability to and on your beliefs. Sooner or later, your business will turn into the kind of company, every customer is looking for.

(6) Reflects the uniqueness of the organization: A good vision reflects the uniqueness of the organization, its distinctive competence, what it stands for, and what it is able to achieve.

(7) Inspires enthusiasm and encourages commitment: A good strategic vision inspires enthusiasm and encourages commitment. An inspiring vision can help people in an organization get excited about what they’re doing, and increase their commitment to the organization. The computer industry is an excellent example of one characterized by organizations with good visions. A recent article reported that it is not unusual for people to work 80 hour weeks, and for people to be at work at any hour of the day or night.

A vision is the desired future state for the organization; the strategic plan is how to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. An organization must and can develop a strategic plan that includes specific and measurable goals to implement a vision.