Using Cosmic Weather to determine which Worlds are Capable of Supporting Life The study of cosmic weather to determine the habitability of exoplanets and celestial bodies is an exciting and quickly evolving topic of study. Cosmic weather…
Hubble Observes Shadow Play around a Planet-forming Disk The Hubble Space Telescope has made multiple significant discoveries about planet formation and protoplanetary disks around young stars. These discoveries have shed light on the…
NASA’s Webb Captures a Young Star’s Supersonic Outflow Herbig-Haro (HH) objects are bright areas that surround newborn stars and are generated when stellar winds or jets of gas emitted by these newborn stars…
Jupiter Blows its Top because it is Too Hot “Hot Jupiter blows its top” appears to be a metaphor or imaginative way of describing a dramatic occurrence or situation surrounding a hot Jupiter exoplanet.…
The Wobbling Jet Provides Initial Confirmation Black Holes Rotate The supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of galaxy M87 has been discovered to spin, causing its jet to oscillate by approximately 10 degrees.…
New Research Illuminates Bizarre Lava Worlds In a new study, scientists discovered that sweeping molten oceans have a substantial influence on the observable attributes of hot rocky Super-Earths, such as their…
For the First Time, a Mysterious Neptune Black Spot has been Seen from Earth Earth-based telescopes had detected and examined Neptune’s black patches. These black spots are transitory structures in Neptune’s atmosphere, similar to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot but…
A Stunning New Image from the James Webb Space Telescope displays Saturn and its Rings After a successful launch and commissioning, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was projected to offer breathtaking photos and data of several astronomical objects, including…
Hopes for India’s Moon Lander Dim When it Fails to ‘Wake Up After a Lunar Night Hopes for India’s moon lander’s “re-awakening” are dwindling after Indian scientists were unable to communicate with the spacecraft after it went into shutdown mode to…
The Sun’s Coolest Zone Contains the Key to Heating the Million-degree Corona The issue of why the Sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, is much hotter than its surface is still being studied in astrophysics and solar science.…