Why is the project appraisal done? Simply speaking, project appraisal means the assessment of a project. Project appraisal is made for both proposed and executed projects. Actually, Project appraisal is a…
Difference between Business Plan and Marketing Plan The business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It is one kind of course of action about what…
What factors do determine the optimum capital structure? The capital structure is how a firm finances its overall operations and growth by using different sources of funds. The optimum capital structure indicates the…
Common errors that made by entrepreneurs in project formulation Project report or business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It is one kind of course of action…
Neither over capital nor under capital is good for an enterprise – Explanation Over Capitalization is occurring when a firm cannot service its debt even though its debt/equity ratio is not excessive. It occurs when a company has…
Export Finance Export Finance The term export finance refers to credit facilities and techniques of payments at the pre-shipment and post-shipment stages. Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank) extends…
Venture Capital Venture capital is a form of financing especially for funding high technology, high risk and perceived high reward projects. It provides funds to the entrepreneurs…
Over Capitalization Over Capitalization is occurring when a firm cannot service its debt even though its debt/equity ratio is not excessive. It is a situation in which…
Importance of Project Report or Business Plan Project report or business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It is one kind of course of action…
How is a project Report or Business Plan formulated? Project report or business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It is one kind of course of action…