BusinessDistinguish between Ownership capital and Borrowed capital Ownership capital consists of the amounts contributed by the owners as well as their profit re-invested in the business. It is the permanent capital, as…
BusinessWhat factors do determine the optimum capital structure? The capital structure is how a firm finances its overall operations and growth by using different sources of funds. The optimum capital structure indicates the…
BusinessNeither over capital nor under capital is good for an enterprise – Explanation Over Capitalization is occurring when a firm cannot service its debt even though its debt/equity ratio is not excessive. It occurs when a company has…
BusinessExport Finance Export Finance The term export finance refers to credit facilities and techniques of payments at the pre-shipment and post-shipment stages. Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank) extends…
BusinessVenture Capital Venture capital is a form of financing especially for funding high technology, high risk and perceived high reward projects. It provides funds to the entrepreneurs…
BusinessOver Capitalization Over Capitalization is occurring when a firm cannot service its debt even though its debt/equity ratio is not excessive. It is a situation in which…