Modified IRR Modified IRR The internal rate of return, or IRR, is one of the most popular methods of evaluating potential projects. The discount rate often used…
Various Components of Strategic Management Process Components or Five Tasks of Strategic Management The strategy-making or strategy – implementing process consists of five interrelated managerial tasks: (1) Developing a Strategic Vision:…
Why Strategic management is considered as an ongoing process? Strategic management refers to the managerial process of forming a strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy and then over time initiating whatever corrective adjustments…
Strategic Management Strategic management refers to the managerial process of forming a strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy and then over time initiating whatever corrective adjustments…
Delphi Method The Delphi method is popular in many disciplines. It is a forecasting method based on the results of questionnaires sent to a group of experts.…
Strategy and Strategic Planning Strategy: Strategy is a method or plan chosen to bring about the desired future, such as the achievement of a goal, objective, or solution to…
Externalities Externalities An externality is a positive or negative consequence of an economic activity experienced by unrelated third parties. It is the side effect on an…
Balance in a Control System Balance in a Control System The Monitoring and controlling process oversee all the tasks and metrics necessary to ensure that the approved and authorized project…
Resource Allocation for Project Resource Allocation for Project Project management is all about managing tasks earthily, Project management gained popularity in the last few decades due to its effectiveness…
Appraisal Criteria Appraisal Criteria is the procedure of formative which records is to be retained as archives and which will be destroyed. Once the commercial and technical…