Differentiate between Portfolio Risk and Stand-alone Risk Investors rarely place their entire wealth into a single asset or investment. Rather, they cons trust a portfolio. A portfolio is a combination of two…
Portfolio Management and its objectives Investors rarely place their entire wealth into a single asset or investment. Rather, they cons trust a portfolio. A portfolio is a combination of two…
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) provides a formula that calculates the expected return on a security based on its level of risk. The formula…
Three Form of Efficient Market Hypothesis Market efficiency concerns the extent to which market prices incorporate available information. Investors and academics have a wide range of viewpoints on how efficient the…
What role does perfect capital market assumption play in financial theory? Capital markets typically involve issuing instruments such as stocks and bonds for the medium-term and long-term. A perfect market is a market in which there…
Perfect Capital Market Perfect Capital Market Capital markets typically involve issuing instruments such as stocks and bonds for the medium-term and long-term. In this respect, capital markets are…
Economic Value Added (EVA) Properties Economic Value Added (EVA) Properties Economic value added can be calculated as the difference between the company’s net operating profit after tax and a portion…
Market Value Added (MVA) Method Market Value Added (MVA) Method Market value added can be calculated as the difference between the company’s market value and the amount of capital invested…
Market Efficiency Market efficiency concerns the extent to which market prices incorporate available information. Investors and academics have a wide range of viewpoints on how efficient the…
Routine functions of Financial Managers Routine functions of financial managers Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money in such a manner to accomplish the objectives of…