Curative Steps to recover Problem Loans The loans which cannot easily be recovered from borrowers are called Problem loans. When the loans can’t be repaid according to the terms of the…
Principles of Sound Lending Policy Principles of Sound Lending Policy It is a fundamental precept of banking everywhere that advances are made to customers in reliance on his promise to…
Functions of Bank Loans on Provided to Business Organizations A bank loan is a monetary loan received from a commercial lender. The loan may have a specific purpose, such as a car loan or…
Essential fields to study for Credit officers for selecting borrower Credit officers are employed by the financial industry. They naturally work in a bank, credit union, or the office of a mortgage or auto loan…
Selection of borrower is the most important factor of sound lending – Explain Selection of borrower is the most important factor of sound lending – Lending is one of the most important functions of commercial banks. The major…
Qualitative Indicators of Problem Loans The loans which cannot easily be recovered from borrowers are called Problem loans. When the loans can’t be repaid according to the terms of an…
Quantities Indicators of Problem Loans The loans which cannot easily be recovered from borrowers are called Problem loans. When the loans can’t be repaid according to the terms of an…
Differences between Overdraft and Cash Credit The distinction between Overdraft and Cash Credit is very subtle and relates to the operation of the account. In the case of Cash Credit, a…
General Indications and Recovery of Problem Loans The loans which cannot easily be recovered from borrowers are called Problem loans. When the loans can’t be repaid according to the terms of an…
How can justify the suitability of a security provided by a client? Suitability rule states that firms and their associated persons “must have a reasonable basis to believe” that a transaction or investment strategy involving securities that…