What Is the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, and Why Are You Seeing It Everywhere Now?

What Is the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, and Why Are You Seeing It Everywhere Now?

Have you ever learned about something – whether it’s a new product or a term – and then noticed it everywhere, all the time? If…
According to a review of 50-years of research, Combining Maths and Music Leads to Higher Scores

According to a review of 50-years of research, Combining Maths and Music Leads to Higher Scores

The intersection of mathematics and music has long been a source of fascination and research, and it is widely assumed that the two disciplines are…
Measuring the Pressure of Moving House

Measuring the Pressure of Moving House

Many people find moving to be a stressful experience. While stress levels vary from person to person, there are several common factors that can contribute…
How Learning about Wellbeing can improve the Wellbeing of University Students

How Learning about Wellbeing can improve the Wellbeing of University Students

Learning about wellbeing can have a number of positive effects on the wellbeing of university students. According to research, studying wellbeing science as part of…
Who and Why does Brain Training Benefit?

Who and Why does Brain Training Benefit?

Brain training can benefit a wide range of people, though the extent and specific benefits may vary. What does your ability to solve puzzles on…
Mental Accounting has an impact on Long-term Behavior

Mental Accounting has an impact on Long-term Behavior

Mental accounting is a psychological phenomenon in which people categorize and treat money differently depending on subjective factors such as the source, intended purpose, or…
Student Mental Health is impacted by how they perceive Academic Stress

Student Mental Health is impacted by how they perceive Academic Stress

Academic stress perception among college students can have a significant impact on their mental well-being. Students’ emotional states, coping strategies, and overall mental health can…
Childhood Deprivation has been linked to Impulsive Behavior in Adults

Childhood Deprivation has been linked to Impulsive Behavior in Adults

There is evidence to suggest that childhood deprivation is linked to impulsive behavior in adulthood. Neglect, abuse, or growing up in impoverished or unstable environments…
A Drug improves Autism-related behavior in Mice

A Drug improves Autism-related behavior in Mice

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition whose exact causes are unknown. As a result, finding effective ASD treatments is a significant challenge.…
Mental Imagery can help Teens avoid Negative thought Patterns

Mental Imagery can help Teens avoid Negative thought Patterns

Mental imagery can be an effective way to divert teens’ attention away from negative thought patterns. Mental imagery, also known as visualization or guided imagery,…
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