Polymers Capable of Killing Germs

Polymers Capable of Killing Germs

Certain polymers have antibacterial capabilities, which means they can kill or limit the growth of germs. Scientists have developed a new class of polymers capable…
The Technique Can Efficiently Solve Partial Differential Equations For a Variety of Applications

The Technique Can Efficiently Solve Partial Differential Equations For a Variety of Applications

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used in domains such as physics and engineering to represent complex physical processes, providing insight into how some of the…
After 23 Years Extinct in The Wild, Scimitar-Horned Oryx Make a Triumphant Comeback
Plants and Animals

After 23 Years Extinct in The Wild, Scimitar-Horned Oryx Make a Triumphant Comeback

The scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx damage), an antelope species previously considered extinct in the wild by the IUCN, has been downgraded to Endangered. Conservation attempts to…
AI Found That Not Every Fingerprint is Unique

AI Found That Not Every Fingerprint is Unique

From “Law and Order” to “CSI,” not to mention in real life, investigators have relied on fingerprints as the gold standard for linking perpetrators to…
The Gauge Symmetry Principle Constrains the Dynamics of Rotating Black Holes

The Gauge Symmetry Principle Constrains the Dynamics of Rotating Black Holes

The LIGO/Virgo experiment, a large-scale scientific endeavor headquartered at two sites in the United States, discovered gravitational waves for the first time in 2015. This…
Engineers Combine Laser Light With Crystal Lattice Vibrations to Improve the Optical Properties of 2D Materials

Engineers Combine Laser Light With Crystal Lattice Vibrations to Improve the Optical Properties of 2D Materials

Engineers at Columbia University and theoretical partners at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter discovered that combining laser light with…
Biogeochemical Cycle

Biogeochemical Cycle

A biogeochemical cycle is the movement of a chemical element or molecule through both living organisms and non-living components of the Earth’s environment. It is…
Soil Biology – a branch of soil science

Soil Biology – a branch of soil science

Soil biology is important in determining several soil characteristics. It is the study of microbiological and faunal activities as well as soil ecology. Soil life,…
Seed Money

Seed Money

Seed money, also known as seed capital or seed investment, is the initial funds used to launch a new business or project. It is a…
Common cause of Severe Allergies in Children

Common cause of Severe Allergies in Children

Several major childhood allergies may all stem from the community of bacteria living in our gut, according to a new study led by researchers at…
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