After a Heart Attack, a Gene Hack may be able to Heal the Heart

After a Heart Attack, a Gene Hack may be able to Heal the Heart

After a heart attack, the heart is unable to regenerate heart muscle and lost cardiac muscle is replaced by scar tissue. Scar tissue does not…
Doctors Gene-Hacked a Blind Man’s Retina Cells to Restore His Vision

Doctors Gene-Hacked a Blind Man’s Retina Cells to Restore His Vision

It was once thought that restoring vision to the blind would necessitate a miracle. Researchers have now demonstrated that restoring limited vision to people suffering…
These Tiny Fossilized Footprints are Evidence of an Ancient Elephant Nursery

These Tiny Fossilized Footprints are Evidence of an Ancient Elephant Nursery

Finding an elephant in Europe outside of zoos and safari parks is likely to be difficult. They’re intelligent, but they’re not out buying groceries or…
The Bandicoot is Back as Adorable Australian Marsupial Returns from Brink of Extinction

The Bandicoot is Back as Adorable Australian Marsupial Returns from Brink of Extinction

Victoria declared conservation win this week when officials provided positive news about a fluffy marsupial that had been assumed to be extinct in the wild.…
Blind Patient’s Vision is Restored after Gene Therapy is Injected into the Eyeball

Blind Patient’s Vision is Restored after Gene Therapy is Injected into the Eyeball

For the first time, doctors used gene therapy to restore partial vision in a blind person. In a man whose vision had been destroyed by…
Scientists now Keep Lab-grown Human Embryos Alive for Longer Periods of Time

Scientists now Keep Lab-grown Human Embryos Alive for Longer Periods of Time

An international body of experts has relaxed the ban on growing human embryos in the lab beyond 14 days, paving the way for research that…
Scientists developed a Gene Therapy that Reverses some Aspects of Aging

Scientists developed a Gene Therapy that Reverses some Aspects of Aging

Aging appears to be an unavoidable process that causes a functional decline in nearly all organisms. Cellular senescence has recently emerged as a hallmark of…
Toilet-Training Cows is a Win for the Planet – and the Cows

Toilet-Training Cows is a Win for the Planet – and the Cows

Cow excretions can be almost as bad as their metaphorical equivalent, with excrement from free-ranging cows damaging land and streams and waste from confined cows…
Start-Up Secures $15 Million to Create Mammoth-Elephant Hybrid

Start-Up Secures $15 Million to Create Mammoth-Elephant Hybrid

A new biotech company has unveiled its audacious plan to develop an elephant-mammoth hybrid, saying that it will aid in the preservation of the Arctic…
People Today are more Likely to Breed with their Cousins than in Prehistory

People Today are more Likely to Breed with their Cousins than in Prehistory

Although online dating has broadened the pool of potential partners to unprecedented levels, one out of every ten weddings is between first and second cousins.…
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