Thomas Jefferson Sent a Stuffed Moose to Paris to Prove America had “Superior” Animals

Thomas Jefferson Sent a Stuffed Moose to Paris to Prove America had “Superior” Animals

The human race is an inherently competitive team, and the highest members of society are often the worst criminals. The leaders of the great superpowers…
How the Elephant Got its (Surprisingly Mysterious) Squeak

How the Elephant Got its (Surprisingly Mysterious) Squeak

Ask anyone to impress an elephant, and they will all probably do the same thing: keep their arms like their trunks and make loud horn…
Fossil of a New Type of Archaic Human Discovered in Israel

Fossil of a New Type of Archaic Human Discovered in Israel

At a site in Israel, scientists have discovered the remains of the fossil skull of a previously unknown population of archaeologist Hominin – Nesar Ramla…
Birds’ Magnetic Sensor for Navigation Might Rely On Quantum Mechanics in their Eyes

Birds’ Magnetic Sensor for Navigation Might Rely On Quantum Mechanics in their Eyes

In the age of smartphones, finding a home has never been easier, but for animals that have become digitally dependent; some beautiful Nifty adaptations have…
Altering a Mosquito’s Gut Genes can Stop Spreading Malaria

Altering a Mosquito’s Gut Genes can Stop Spreading Malaria

Every year, millions of people worldwide are infected with malaria. Malaria outbreaks are no longer limited to tropical countries; they are becoming more common in…
Hundreds of Birds are Dying Across America and Nobody Knows Why

Hundreds of Birds are Dying Across America and Nobody Knows Why

A death toll has now spread across the Americas, where birds in the South and Midwest are seen dying and dying for an unknown reason.…
Gustave: The Notorious Giant Crocodile Rumored to have Killed Over 300 People

Gustave: The Notorious Giant Crocodile Rumored to have Killed Over 300 People

There aren’t many animals in the legend that exist in reality. The Loch Ness Monster is occasionally turned into a fish. One wonderful sea monster…
Researchers Generated Farm Animals with Integrated Gene Scissors

Researchers Generated Farm Animals with Integrated Gene Scissors

Animals that have been genetically modified provide important insights into the molecular basis of health and disease. Although other species, such as pigs, have physiologies…
Where Tyrannosaurs Ruled, Even Mid-sized Carnivores Vanished

Where Tyrannosaurs Ruled, Even Mid-sized Carnivores Vanished

Most ecosystems (with one surprising exception) only have room for one large predator, so it is not surprising that other large carnivores are displaced by…
Scientists Detect a Key Molecular Property of All Living Organisms

Scientists Detect a Key Molecular Property of All Living Organisms

Scientists from the University of Bern and the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS detect a key molecular property of all living organisms…
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