Researcher Revealed Unknown Distinctive Property within Carapace of the Flower Beetle

Researcher Revealed Unknown Distinctive Property within Carapace of the Flower Beetle

The unique mechanical and optical properties of an Asian beetle’s exoskeleton have the potential to provide a fascinating new insight into how to develop new,…
Megalodons were Probably Even Bigger than Estimated, High School Project Shows

Megalodons were Probably Even Bigger than Estimated, High School Project Shows

The world’s largest predator of ocean tremors could be much larger than predicted in the past. The findings, published in Electronica of Paleontology, show the…
Barefoot Beach Walkers in Maine have Feet Dyed Black in Mysterious Insect Mass Die-Off

Barefoot Beach Walkers in Maine have Feet Dyed Black in Mysterious Insect Mass Die-Off

There are some very simple pleasures in life that make you feel the warm sand between your bare fingers while looking at the sea. The…
Scientists Got Lobsters Stoned to See if it Eased their Death

Scientists Got Lobsters Stoned to See if it Eased their Death

In the autumn of 2018, a main resuscitator began experimenting with the idea of ​​giving his lobster marijuana before entering the cooking pot in the…
Microscopic Animal Brought Back to Life after 24,000 Years Frozen in Siberian Permafrost

Microscopic Animal Brought Back to Life after 24,000 Years Frozen in Siberian Permafrost

Tardigrades compete in the realm of microscopic and incredibly strong beasties. Like the tardigrades, the Bdelloid rotifers can survive dry, icy, starvation and even low-oxygen conditions. Now,…
Zika Virus RNA Discovered in Free-Ranging Bats for the First Time

Zika Virus RNA Discovered in Free-Ranging Bats for the First Time

Scientists at Colorado State University have found the genetic material of the Zika virus in free-ranging African bats. This discovery in bats outside of controlled trials…
Poacher who Claimed to have Killed at Least 70 Tigers Arrested by Police in Bangladesh

Poacher who Claimed to have Killed at Least 70 Tigers Arrested by Police in Bangladesh

After a 20-year search, Bangladeshi authorities have arrested a man accused of killing at least 70 endangered tigers over the past weekend, the Dhaka Tribune…
Optical Illusion Orangutan Shot Wins At Nature TTL Photographer of the Year

Optical Illusion Orangutan Shot Wins At Nature TTL Photographer of the Year

The breath-taking winners of TTL Photographer, depicting scenes of life, death and decay, have announced the nature of the 2021 competition. An optical illusion won a…
Meet the “Wandering Meatloaf”, the First Living Creature with Rare Iron Mineral in its Teeth

Meet the “Wandering Meatloaf”, the First Living Creature with Rare Iron Mineral in its Teeth

Cryptochiton stellar is a type of mollusk known as chiton that has earned the nickname “wandering meatloaf” for their reddish-brown color and ovary size. This is…
Giant Skull Washes up on New Jersey Beach; the Internet is Less than Helpful Identifying it

Giant Skull Washes up on New Jersey Beach; the Internet is Less than Helpful Identifying it

After a storm in New Jersey, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection called in to examine a skull that was huge. Not sure, what…
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