Significance of Core Competency of a company

Significance of Core Competency of a company

The significance of Core Competency of a company Core competencies allow small businesses to deliver value to their customers. According to management consulting firm Bain…
Distinctive Competence

Distinctive Competence

Distinctive Competence is a set of unique capabilities that certain firms possess allowing them to make inroads into desired markets and to gain an advantage…
Company can utilize its Core Competency to gain competitive advantage

Company can utilize its Core Competency to gain competitive advantage

A company can utilize its Core Competency to gain competitive advantage A core competency is something that a company does well relative to other internal…


Competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly. Generally, competence refers to the ability to perform well. A competency is a…
Strategy-making Pyramid in a diversified Organization

Strategy-making Pyramid in a diversified Organization

Strategy-making Pyramid in a diversified Organization Strategy means the skill of managing any affair. It is used to describe a pathway along which the organization…
Factors that Shape A Company’s Strategy

Factors that Shape A Company’s Strategy

Factors that Shape A Company’s Strategy Many situational considerations enter into crafting strategy. Crafting Strategy is the first “season” in an organization’s “annual” cycle. These…
How can a manager judge which strategic option is best for the company?

How can a manager judge which strategic option is best for the company?

Strategy means the skill of managing any affair. It is used to describe a pathway along which the organization moves towards its goals or objectives.…
How can link Strategy with ethics and social responsibility?

How can link Strategy with ethics and social responsibility?

Strategy means the skill of managing any affair. It is used to describe a pathway along which the organization moves towards its goals or objectives.…
Develop and Implement of Core Competencies

Develop and Implement of Core Competencies

Develop and Implement of Core Competencies A core competency is something that a company does well relative to other internal activities. They are what the…
Company Competence

Company Competence

Company Competence Generally, competence refers to the ability to perform well. And, company competence is the result of a learning experience that represents the real…
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