Loan Pricing Loan Pricing Loan pricing means determining the interest rate for granting a loan to creditors, be it individuals or business firms. It is one of…
Fixed and Floating Charge Fixed and floating charges are used to secure borrowing by a company. Such borrowing is often done under the terms of a debenture issued by…
Credit Risk Vs. Liquidity Risk Credit Risk Vs. Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk refers to the chance that an entity will have an insufficient cash flow to meet its obligations. This…
Collateral Security Collateral Security Collateral security is any property movable or immovable property offered for securing a loan. A form of secondary protection sometimes required by a…
Significance of Collateral Significance of Collateral Collateral refers to assets or personal property that you use to secure a loan. Collateral is money or property which is used…
Essentials of Pledge Essentials of Pledge A pledge is a bailment that conveys possessory title to property owned by a debtor (the pledgor) to a creditor (the pledgee)…
Salient features of the different types of Mortgages There are many different types of mortgage packages available in the market today. Here, we highlight the different types of packages and features that banks…
Characteristics of a Good Security The Characteristics of a Good Security A good security policy – something that inspires confidence in the security of the software –should include the following:…
Different forms of Banker’s Advances The person who performs the banking activities such as accepting of deposits, lending money, withdrawing facilities, exchanging of money is known as a banker. Banker…
How Bank should take precautions in granting loan against Guarantee? A bank is one kind of financial institution which deals with money and other monetary instruments and conducts business. Bank receives deposits from one group…