Describe Biot–Savart Law Biot and Savart conducted many experiments to determine the factors on which the magnetic field due to current in a conductor depends. The results of…
How Magnetic Field due to a Circular Loop Carrying Current? Magnetic field due to a circular loop carrying current A cardboard is fixed in a horizontal plane. A circular loop of wire passes through two…
How Magnetic Field around a Straight Conductor Carrying Current? The Magnetic field lines around a straight conductor carrying current are concentric circles whose centers lie on the wire. Smooth cardboard with iron filings spread…
Describe on Thermopile Thermopile is a device used to detect thermal radiation. It works on the principle of Seebeck effect. Since a single thermocouple gives a very small…
Describe Maxwells’s Right Hand Cork Screw Rule Corkscrew is a device that is used for pulling a cork from a bottle and consists of a spiral. The direction of the circular magnetic…
Explain Thomson Effect Thomson suggested that when a current flows through unequally heated conductors, heat energy is absorbed or evolved throughout the body of the metal. Fig: Thomson…
What is Thomson Coefficient (σ) The amount of heat energy absorbed or evolved when one-ampere current flows for one second (one coulomb) in a metal between two points which differ…
What is Peltier Co-efficient? The amount of heat energy absorbed or evolved at one of the junctions of a thermocouple when one-ampere current flows for one π second (one…
Define and Describe on Peltier Effect In 1834, a French scientist Peltier discovered that when the electric current is passed through a circuit consisting of two dissimilar metals, heat is evolved…
Explain on Neutral and Inversion Temperature Neutral temperature is the temperature of the hot junction of a thermocouple at which the electromotive force of the thermocouple attains its utmost value when…