What is Thermal Radiation?

What is Thermal Radiation?

The energy emitted by a body in the form of radiation on account of its temperature is called thermal radiation. It depends on, (i) temperature…
Describe on Transfer of Heat

Describe on Transfer of Heat

There are three ways in which heat energy may get transferred from one place to another. These are conduction, convection and radiation. (a) Conduction Heat…
Explain Refrigerator according to Carrot’s Heat Engine

Explain Refrigerator according to Carrot’s Heat Engine

A refrigerator is a cooling device. An ideal refrigerator can be regarded as Carrot’s heat engine working in the reverse direction. Therefore, it is also…
Efficiency of Carnot’s Cycle

Efficiency of Carnot’s Cycle

Efficiency of Carnot’s cycle is independent of the working substance but depends upon the temperatures of heat source and sink. The most efficient heat engine…
Adiabatic Compression of Carnot Cycle

Adiabatic Compression of Carnot Cycle

Adiabatic Compression of Carnot Cycle The cylinder is now placed on the insulating stand and the piston is further moved down in such a way…
Isothermal Compression of Carnot Cycle

Isothermal Compression of Carnot Cycle

Isothermal compression of Carnot Cycle The cylinder is placed on the sink at a temperature T2. The piston is moved slowly downward to compress the gas…
Adiabatic Expansion of Carnot Cycle

Adiabatic Expansion of Carnot Cycle

Adiabatic expansion of Carnot Cycle If the cylinder is taken from the source and is placed on the insulting stand and the piston is moved…
Isothermal Expansion of Carnot Cycle

Isothermal Expansion of Carnot Cycle

Isothermal Expansion of Carnot Cycle: Let consider one mole of an ideal gas enclosed in the cylinder. Let V1, P1 be the initial volume and…
Describe on Carnot Engine

Describe on Carnot Engine

Heat engine is a device which converts heat energy into mechanical energy. In the year 1824, Carrot devised an ideal cycle of operation for a…
What is Irreversible Process?

What is Irreversible Process?

An irreversible process is one which cannot be reversed back. Examples: diffusion of gases and liquids, passage of electric current through a wire, and heat…
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