BiologyCo-ordination between Organs and Systems to keep the Body Fit Co-ordination between Organs and Systems to keep the body fit: The body of man and other animals is formed in harmonization with some systems. A…
BiologyAnimal Body Organ Systems Animal body organ Systems: For performing various physiological functions, such as digestion, respiration, excretion, reproduction etc. several organs together form the organ systems in animal…
BiologyNerve Tissue of Animal The Nerve Tissue: Structural Characteristics: The particular type of tissue, which forms the nervous system, is called nerve tissue. Receiving stimulus from the environment, the…
BiologyOrgans in Human Body An organ is a part of animal body formed by the combination of one or more than one type of tissues performing a particular function…
BiologyCardiac Muscle Cardiac Muscle: Structural Characteristics: The special type of involuntary muscle that forms the heart of vertebrate animals is called the cardiac muscle. The cells of…
BiologyInvoluntary or Smooth Muscle Involuntary or Smooth Muscle: Structural Characteristics: The contraction and expansion of this muscle tissue are not at all of the living beings. This muscle tissue…
BiologyVoluntary or Striated Muscle Voluntary or Striated Muscle: This Type of muscular tissue can be contracted or expanded at the will of the living beings. The cells of the…
BiologyFluid Connective Tissue in Animals Fluid Connective Tissue: Structural Characteristics: Matrix of this tissue is liquid. Connective tissues are a tissue that supports, connects, or separates different types of tissues…
BiologyBlood Cell or Blood Corpuscles Blood Cell or Blood Corpuscles: Blood is a type of alkaline, slightly saline, red colored, liquid connective tissue. Flowing through the artery, veil and capillaries,…
BiologySkeletal Tissue in Animals Skeletal Tissue: Internal structural building tissue of the body is called the skeletal tissue. It is a muscle that is connected at either or both…