
Fantasy-prone Personality (FPP)

Fantasy-prone Personality (FPP)

The idea of fantasy-prone personality (FPP) was developed in the late 1970s by psychologists Sheryl C. Wilson and Theodore X. Barber. It is a personality attribute defined by a high level of receptivity to and participation in imaginative, fantasy-like experiences. It is a personality feature or disposition in which a person has a lifelong, wide, and deep participation with imagination. This disposition is an attempt, at least in part, to explain “overactive imagination” or “living in a dream world” more accurately.

People with a fantasy-prone disposition have vivid and rich fantasy lives, often having a deep and immersed participation in their own imaginations. A person with this tendency (known as a fantasizer) may have difficulties distinguishing between fantasy and reality and may experience hallucinations as well as self-suggested psychosomatic symptoms. Daydreaming, absorption, and eidetic memory are all linked psychological notions.

Some common characteristics associated with fantasy-prone personality include:

  • Rich Imaginations: Individuals with FPP often have highly creative and imaginative minds, leading them to create complex and detailed fantasy worlds.
  • Blurring of Reality and Fantasy: Fantasy-prone individuals may sometimes have difficulty distinguishing between their vivid inner worlds and external reality. This can result in a tendency to blur the boundaries between imagination and real-life experiences.
  • Suggestibility: Fantasy-prone individuals may be more susceptible to suggestion and may readily incorporate suggestions into their fantasy narratives.
  • Paranormal Beliefs: People with FPP may be more inclined to believe in paranormal phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, or other supernatural occurrences.
  • High Absorption in Activities: Individuals with a fantasy-prone disposition frequently describe being deeply focused and interested in hobbies such as reading, fantasizing, or playing out scenarios in their heads.

While some people find having a vivid imagination to be enlightening and entertaining, others may need to regulate it more carefully if it interferes with their everyday functioning or relationships. Fantasy-prone personality research is ongoing, and psychologists are investigating the links between FPP and other personality traits, as well as the possible implications for mental health and well-being.