BusinessWhat is banker’s right of set-off? In order to cover a loan in default, a bank has a legal right to seize funds of a guarantor or the debtor. A settlement…
BusinessDiscounting of Bills of Exchange Discounting of Bills of Exchange This is another popular type of lending by modern banks. Through this method, a holder of a bill of exchange…
BusinessAutomatic Clearing Houses (ACHs) Automatic Clearing Houses (ACHs) facilitate the payment of bills without the need to write a check. An ACH can be used to create automatic monthly…
BusinessOverdraft Overdraft: An overdraft allows the individual to continue withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it or not enough to cover the…
BusinessDifferentiate in between Branch Banking and Unit Banking System Differentiate in between Branch Banking and Unit Banking System A bank is one kind of financial institution which deals with money and other monetary instruments…
BusinessClassification of Banks Classification of Banks A bank is one kind of financial institution which deals with money and other monetary instruments and conducts business. Bank receives deposits…
BusinessPrivate Banking Private Banking Personalized financial and banking services, which are traditionally offered to a bank’s rich and high net worth individual (HNWls). For wealth management purposes,…
BusinessPreferred Banking Preferred Banking Preferred Banking is a powerful and complete solution that combines savings, borrowing, protection, and investments delivered by well-trained relationship managers and enhanced with…
BusinessMobile Banking Mobile banking (also known as M-Banking) is a term used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments, credit applications, and other banking transactions through a…
BusinessLiability of the banker in case of wrongful dishonor of cheque Liability of the banker in case of wrongful dishonor of cheque The person who performs the banking activities such as accepting of deposits, lending money,…