
Application to Principle for changing Elective Subject

Application to Principle for changing Elective Subject

Application to Principle for changing Elective Subject

[These are sample Application to Principle for changing Elective Subject. Suppose, you are a student of a College or School and one of your elective subjects seems to be difficult for you. Now, write an application to the principal of your college or school for changing an elective subject. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]


The Principle…

School/College name…


Subject: Application for the change of an elective subject


I have the honor to state that I am a student of your college/school in [class/grade name], [Science/Arts/Commerce] group. I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that I took (Subject name, e.g., Biology or Agricultural Science) as elective subjects at the time of my admission. (Describe in your words). Now I realize that without (Subject name, e.g., Mathematics) the study of [Science/Arts/Commerce] is not meaningful. (Describe actual problem and situation). On the other hand, I find no interest in (Present elective subject name). So, I want to study (Required Subject name) instead of (Changing Subject name).

I, therefore, request the favor of your kindness to allow me to take (Required Subject name) instead of (Present elective subject name) as my elective subject. (Cordially describe your requirements).

Yours obediently,

Your name…

Class/Grade name…

Roll/Registration no…


Another format,


The Principle…

School/College name…


Subject: Application for changing elective subject


With due respect, I like to draw your kind attention that I am a student of [Class/Grade name] and (Group name, e.g., Science/Arts/Commerce) in your school/college. (Describe in your words). At the time of admission, I took (Subject name, e.g., Higher Math/Biology) as my elective subject. But now the subject seems to be very difficult for me and I find no interest in it. (Describe actual problem and situation). I attended several classes of (Subject name, Biology/Higher math) and I feel comfortable in this subject. Therefore, I have decided to take (Required Subject name) in lieu of (Present Subject name).

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly allow me to take (Required Subject name) as my elective subject in lieu of (Present Subject name) and oblige thereby. (Cordially describe your requirements).

Your most obediently,

Your name…

Class/Grade name…

Roll/Registration no…