Better Contract Management and monitoring for Project Implementation
The implementation segment is where you and your project team really do the project work to construct the deliverables. Project implementation is the stage where visions and plans become a certainty.
Better contract management: Since a substantial portion of a project is typically executed through contracts, the proper management of contracts is critical to the successful implementation of the project. In this context, the following should be done:
- The competence and capability of all the contractors must be ensured, one weak link can jeopardize the timely performance of the contract.
- Proper discipline must be inculcated among contractors and suppliers by insisting that they should develop realistic and detailed resource and time plans which are congruent with the project plan;
- Penalties – which may be regulated, must be imposed for failure to meet contractual obligations. Likewise, incentives may be offered for good performance.
- Help should be extended to contractors and suppliers when they have genuine problems, they should be regarded as partners in a common pursuit.
- Project authorities must retain latitude to off-load contracts (partially or wholly) to other parties well in a time where delays are anticipated.
Effective monitoring: In order to keep a tab on the progress of the project, a system of monitoring must be established. This help in;
- Anticipating deviations from the implementation plan;
- Analyzing emerging problems;
- Taking corrective action.
In developing a system of monitoring, the following points must be borne in mind:
It should focus sharply on the critical aspects of project implementation. It must lay more emphasis on physical milestones and not on financial targets.
It must be kept relatively simple. If made over-complicated, it may lead to redundant paperwork and diversion of resources. Even worse, monitoring may be viewed as an end in itself rather than as a means to implement the project successfully.