
Cat gives Birth in Duck Den, Sitting Peacefully Alongside Nesting Duck and Hen

Cat gives Birth in Duck Den, Sitting Peacefully Alongside Nesting Duck and Hen

Once independent predators drown across the landscape, domestic cats have become somewhat softer than their wild ancestors. While they may be affectionate and caring with their owners, many pet cats wear a camouflage to kill small sniffing objects, which can make you think a duck or chicken would be a potential flock.

However, Wild Seven Homestead proved this week that a cat, chicken and duck can do enough tripe to raise children in the right conditions. “We came home from State Park today, our cat decided that the duck is the safest place for her kids, right next to Brody Mama the duck and the hen that puts 22 duck eggs together,” Wild wrote in a Facebook post Seven Homestead, “Three species for a hole.” Subsequent photos – which, a fair warning can make you laugh happily – show the mama cat under the feathers of a chicken tail with a real throne of duck eggs and kittens.

The next picture shows the owner of the duck eggs, a Muscovy duck named Daisy, Sable, the cat and an unnamed chicken as well as three completed (60 with the property, the man of the house told us, not so easy to keep track of). “They’ve all moved from home to our home,” said Wild Seven Homestead at IFLScience. “Our different species and animals have become incredibly good! Before us goats, 60+ chickens and cats (including sable) were born in chicken coops without any problems with chickens.”

Maternity has a profound enough effect on cats because they experience a decrease in the hormone that stimulates milk production in prolactin. The spike in this maternal hormone is found permanently for several weeks after birth, potentially further stimulated by nursing kittens. Squirrel kittens can be herring, well, like cats, and the innate drive to keep everyone together has seen some cats that have turned all species of baby animals back into their holes.

Squirrel kittens can be herring, well, like cats, and the innate drive to keep everyone together has seen some cats that have turned all species of baby animals back into their holes. One such example is not only the mother cat changing the duck feathers that they are her own, but even the ducks began to imitate her actual lineage by sucking her nipple (the best one can have a beak).