
Common Conduct Guides Offered by Various Associations

Common Conduct Guides Offered by Various Associations

Common Conduct Guides Offered by Various Associations

The conduct of a Business is influenced strongly by internal organizations which interact with it. These organizations may be classified as professional associations, business associations, and public advisory group. The conduct of a business is influenced strongly by external organizations which interact with it. Those organizations may be classified in the following way-

(a) Professional association: They tend to develop codes of conduct which support fairness full disclose, the independent decision’s free of influence and other actions in the public interest such as architectural firm & engineering firm provide professional service.

(b) Business association: There are hundreds of business associations representing specific groups. These groups are primarily operating to promote their own interests, but in doing this they often find it necessary to set ethical standards for dealing consumer and others.

(c) Public advisory groups: There are hundreds of these groups including religious groups, foundations, minorities and ecology groups and they represent the greatest source of pressure for business changes.