
Letter of Suspension from School

Letter of Suspension from School

Letter of Suspension from School

[Suspending a student from school is a challenging decision to make. Below briefly describe on Sample Letter of Suspension from School. By using a well-worded and considered letter, parents can be made conscious of their child’s suspension with intense care, which will decrease the chance of confrontation and misunderstanding. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Parents name…

Home/Office Address…

Contact Info…

Sub: Suspension Letter of (Student name)

Dear (Name),

As discussed in our recent meeting, this letter is to confirm that your son/daughter (name) has been suspended for (Time period) from (Institute and Class/grade). (Describe in your words).

This decision was made because (Student name)’s angry outbursts are ruthlessly troublesome to the education of other students, and in some cases have posed a physical danger to both staff and other children. (Describe actual problem and situation).

The suspension begins on (date: DD/MM/YY) and we do not expect to see (Student name) on school premises until (date), where he will report immediately to the Principal’s office to outline how we will proceed. (Describe all about institute rules regarding this situation).

Enclosed you will find a fact sheet from the school board detailing their decision. (Cordially describe your suggestion and recommendation). If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to respond to this letter.


Your Name…


School/Institute name…


Another Format,

Date: DD/MM/YY

Parents name…

Home/Office Address…

Contact Info…

Sub: Suspension Letter of (Student name)

Dear Parent,

You are hereby notified that on (Notice Subject of Student name), (date) was given written notice of intent to suspend him/her from school. Following an informal hearing on (—–), (—–) has been suspended from school for (30/60/90) day(s) (More/less). (Describe in your words). The suspension begins on (date) and is scheduled to end on (date).

(Student name) is expected to return to school on (Date/Season). During this suspension (Your son/daughter) is not permitted to be on school property or to attend or participate in any curricular, extracurricular, or other school activities. Describe all about institute rules regarding this situation).

The reasons for the suspension are as follows: (—–) (—–) (Describe the actual problem and situation).

You have the right to appeal this decision to the Board of Education or its designee, to have a hearing before the Board or designee. (Cordially describe your suggestion and recommendation). Please notify the Superintendent, in writing, no later than five days from the date of this notice if you wish to appeal the suspension.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact me.



School/Institute name…