
What is meant by Market Report?

What is meant by Market Report?

Market Report

Market is regarded as the heart of economy. When reports are prepared on the basis of ever-changing behavior of market, it is known as market report. Thus, thid report is a written document containing information related to the transactions of a particular product in a particular market.

Generally, market report is a report related to market operations. In the broader sense, when a report is prepared on the basis of buying and selling, demand, supply, price fluctuations, market tendency, price index, method of price determination, transfer of title etc. of a particular product in a particular market place at a specified time, it is called market report. That mean, market report is a written document prepared on the transactions of a particular product in a particular market place at a particular time.

According to Dr. A. M. Lorenro, “A market report is an index to business condition prevailing in a particular market at a specified period or on a fixed day.”

At last, we can conclude that a report is said to be a market report when it is prepared by incorporating infatuation related to buying, selling, demand, supply, price fluctuations, market tendency, price index, methods of price determination and transfer of title etc. of a particular product in a particular market at a specified time.