
Simple Protein with its Categories

Simple protein: When only amino acid can be found by the hydrolysis of protein it is called a simple protein. Simple protein can be divided into six categories on the basis of solubility:

(I) Albumin: They are soluble in water and dilute salt solution. The clotting of albumin occurs by the application of acid, base and heat.

Example: Egg albumin.

(II) Globulins: They are almost insoluble in %sitter but soluble in salt solution. The clotting of globulin occurs due to heat. They are sufficiently found in seeds.

Examples: Animal globulins: Serum globulins, Ovoglobulins, Crystalin, Fibrinogen, Plant globulins, Miocene.

(III) Glutelias: They art insoluble in water but soluble in dilute acidic or basic solutions. They are plant proteins.

Examples: a. Wheat glutenine, b. Rice orygenine

(IV) Prolamins: They are insoluble in water and absolute alcohol but soluble in 50%-80% ethyle alcohol.

Examples: Gliadin of wheat and black mustard seeds, zein of maize and hordein of burly.

(V) Histone: They are composed of one to many alkaline aminoacids. They are soluble in water. Occurrence: They are mainly found in the nucleus and nucleic acids.

(VI) Protamins: It is the smallest protein. It is soluble in water and ammonium hydroxide.

Examples: Protamin protein remains attached to the nucleic acid.