Chloroplast Chloroplast: They possess green pigments named chlorophyll in surplus as an effect they are green. Other pigments are also present to some extent. Every cell…
Leucoplast Leucoplast: They are colorless, as they have no pigment. Leucoplast may be converted into Chromoplast or mainly chloroplast in contact with sunlight. In absence of…
Plasma Membrane or Cell Membrane: Structure and Function Plasma membrane or Cell membrane: The plasma membrane is the border between the cell and its surroundings. It regulates what enters and exits the cell.…
Plastid: Definition with Functions Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found in plants and some algae, which are mainly dependable for activities related to making and storing food. They are…
Cytoplasm: Definition with Functions Cytoplasm is the semi-fluid substance of a cell that is present within the cellular membrane and surrounds the nuclear membrane. It maintains the shape and…
Cell Wall in Plant Cell Cell Wall in Plant Cell Cell wall is the exceptional characteristics of a plant cell. The cell wall is the rigid, semi-permeable defensive layer in…
Functions of Protoplasm in Living Cell Protoplasm in Living Cell Protoplasm is made by the combination of dissimilar multifarious compounds. It is the colorless substance comprising the living element of a…
Nature of Living Cell on the basis of Nuclear Structure Those who have life are living beings. Microorganisms, Plants and Animals have life, so they all are living beings. Cells are considered the fundamental units…
Nature of Living Cell on the basis of Function Those who have life are living beings. Microorganisms, Plants and Animals have life, so they all are living beings. Cells are considered the fundamental units…
Structure of Living Cell Structure of Living Cell Those who have life are living beings. Microorganisms, Plants and Animals have life, so they all are living beings. Cells are…