Living Robot That Can Self-Replicate Created In World First

Living Robot That Can Self-Replicate Created In World First

Researchers have developed robots composed of live cells that can not only perform jobs but also multiply in ways that no other living thing can.…
In Real-time, AI Simulates Microprocessor Performance

In Real-time, AI Simulates Microprocessor Performance

Duke University computer scientists have developed a new AI method for accurately predicting the power consumption of any type of computer processor more than a…
Camera the Size of a Salt Grain Created By Researchers

Camera the Size of a Salt Grain Created By Researchers

Researchers at the University of Princeton and the University of Washington have built a camera that is only half a millimeter broad but can generate…
Clearview AI Told To Stop Processing UK Data As ICO Warns Of Possible Fine

Clearview AI Told To Stop Processing UK Data As ICO Warns Of Possible Fine

Clearview AI, a contentious facial recognition business, might face punishment in the United Kingdom. Because of what the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) characterized as “alleged…
Bolt makes first acquisition with Tipser, launches ‘Remote Checkout’

Bolt makes first acquisition with Tipser, launches ‘Remote Checkout’

Although it is possible to buy something from digital material at the time of discovery, Bolt, a checkout technology business, has the opportunity to make…
As Apple Messes with Attribution, What Does Growth Marketing Look Like in 2021?

As Apple Messes with Attribution, What Does Growth Marketing Look Like in 2021?

It claimed that you should measure what you value, and nothing is more valuable than growth for entrepreneurs. Revenues, venture capital, prestige, and scale are…
AWS Launches New Robotics Programs

AWS Launches New Robotics Programs

AWS today launched IoT RoboRunner, a new tool for creating apps that allow big fleets of robots operate together, to kick off re:Invent, the cloud…
Report Shows Accessibility in Gaming is Both Challenge and Opportunity

Report Shows Accessibility in Gaming is Both Challenge and Opportunity

The game industry, developers, and publishers are beginning to see accessibility as an important element of their business and pastime, but there is still a…
Web Host Epik Warned of a Critical Security Flaw Weeks before it Was Hacked

Web Host Epik Warned of a Critical Security Flaw Weeks before it Was Hacked

Hackers linked to the hacktivist organization Anonymous claim to have stolen terabytes of data from Epik, a web host, and domain registrar that caters to…
Scientists Connect a Powered Exoskeleton to a Neural Interface

Scientists Connect a Powered Exoskeleton to a Neural Interface

Neural control could one day allow patients to operate robotic prosthetics with their thoughts. Researchers have discovered that with the help of physical therapy, patients…
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