BiologyComparison of Male and Female Toads Comparison of Male and Female Toads: Male Toads When matured, the male toad is smaller in size than the female toad. The abdomen of the…
BiologyExternal Morphology of Toad Toad is an ugly animal. Its skin is grey colored with warts. Toad is 10-13 cm long and 7 cm wide. Its body can be…
BiologyToad Toad is an amphibian animal. Among the vertebrate animals the amphibians live in water at the first stage of their life, respire by gills and…
BiologyPrevention from Roundworm In the meantime, we have known that most of the children of our country get infected with roundworms. As a result, these children suffer from…
BiologyTransformation of Roundworm in Human Body After the entry of the egg in the intestine of the host, the shell is dissolved by the intestinal juice of the host and the…
BiologyLife Cycle of Roundworm The ovum and sperms of the roundworm meet together at the upper side of the uterus. After fertilization, the zygote or fertilized egg is covered…
BiologyFemale Reproductive System of Roundworm The Female roundworm is larger in size than the male. The female reproductive system consists of two ovaries, two uteri and one vagina. These organs,…
BiologyMale Reproductive System of Roundworm The male reproductive system consists of a testis, sperm duct, seminal vesicle and an ejaculatory duct. The testis is formed like a coil and occupies…
BiologyParasite An organism that lives permanently or temporarily on or inside the body of another organism and depends fully or partly on the host organism for…
BiologyDigestive System of Roundworm The structure of the digestive system of roundworm is very simple. The Pharynx alimentary canal is formed of mouth aperture, buccal cavity, pharynx and intestine.…