Cell Envelope and its Modifications in Prokaryotic Cells

Cell Envelope and its Modifications in Prokaryotic Cells

Most prokaryotic cells, particularly the bacterial cells, have a chemically complex cell envelope. Prokaryotic cell envelope possesses a chemically complex cell envelope. The cell envelope…
Describe on Prokaryotic Cells

Describe on Prokaryotic Cells

The prokaryotic cells are represented by bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasma and PPLO (Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms). They are generally smaller and multiply more rapidly than…
Draw an Overview of Cell

Draw an Overview of Cell

We observed cells in an onion peel and/or human cheek cells under the microscope. The onion cell which is a typical plant cell has a…
What is Steroid?

What is Steroid?

Steroid: Steroid is a plant lipid which is formed by the combination of numerous isoprene units at a particular form. Structure: Most steroids are composed…
Define Glycogen with Structure abd Functions

Define Glycogen with Structure abd Functions

Glycogen: Glycogen is a nutritive polysaccharide. It is mainly a reserve carbohydrate of animal bodies. Thus, it is also called an animal carbohydrate. Position: Glycogen…
Discuss the Structure and usage of Starch

Discuss the Structure and usage of Starch

Starch is a carbohydrate which is composed of two polysaccharides called amylose and amylopectine. They are polymers of glucose. Structure of starch: Starch is present…
What is Starch?

What is Starch?

Starch: Starch is a carbohydrate which is composed of two polysaccharides called amylose and amylopectine. It is long chains of sugar molecules linked together like…
Classification of Carbohydrate

Classification of Carbohydrate

Classification of carbohydrate: Carbohydrate can be divided into three main divisions: 1. Monosaccharide: Monosaccharide is that carbohydrate which cannot be broken down into simple carbohydrate…
What is Carbohydrate?

What is Carbohydrate?

Carbohydrate: The organic compounds that consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen having a ratio 2:1 for hydrogen and oxygen are known as carbohydrate. They are…
Define and Describe on Cell Vacuole

Define and Describe on Cell Vacuole

The vacuum part found within the cytoplasm is called cell vacuole. Characteristics: (i) In immature cells, vacuoles are numerous and minute, but in matured cells,…
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