
What is a Conversion?

What is a Conversion?

A conversion occurs when a visitor to a website meets the desired goal, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. Conversion is a very important metric in the marketing funnel, but it does not always imply shopping. Conversations can happen before the sale, and this is an indicator that any prospects have gone down the sales funnel. The definition in Marketing Sherpa Glossary in Marketing Sherpa Handbooks defines the transformation, “the point at which a marketing message recipient performs a desired action.” In other words, the conversion is simply getting someone to respond to a call-to-action.

Marketers use conversion rates to measure the success of a promotion. Conversion rates are the percentage of users who have completed a custom conversion. It is important to remember that your goal in online retail is not only to attract traffic to your site but also to ensure that these visits result in sales. The conversation is about opening an email to someone. Clicking on a call-to-action link within their email is another conversion. Conversions can help businesses identify issues with their website or marketing funnels. By analyzing customer journeys and discovering bottlenecks, marketers can see what’s working or aren’t working, which traffic sources bring the most customers, and which ones should be excluded. For consumer marketers, conversions can be relatively quick and easy. Any potential customer scans a QR code to get a coupon, and then they immediately go to the restaurant to get their free French fries with the purchase of a burger and soft drink.

The CRO is important because it allows online shops to make the most of the traffic they already have so that they do not need to invest more in customer acquisition. As the demand for online advertising grows day by day, so does the cost per click. It helps identify which elements in the ad and on the page optimize the online conversion rate. For example, check different titles, buttons, activity calls or images on your landing pages to see which variations convert further. Businesses are constantly increasing their advertising budgets, but since not all clicks result in conversions, CROs become an essential method for keeping visitors low while increasing revenue for visitors. Losing sales at the end of the purchase process is a frustrating event. This is known as shopping cart exclusion rate.