
Purposes and Objectives of Mass Communication

Purposes and Objectives of Mass Communication

Purposes and Objectives of Mass Communication

Mass communication serves public messages quickly to a large number of people who far away from the source of information. The scope of mass communication is very extensive and it deals with a variety of objectives. Its significant objectives are discussed below:

  • To inform people:

The most fundamental objective of mass communication is to provide information to mass people. Information regarding various fields is sent to the public through mass communication media. Information on mass communication may be related to education, weather, sports, products and services, public holidays, festivals, recreation, and entertainment.

  • To build public opinion:

Another important objective of mass communication is to create public opinion on any national or international issue. Mass media attempts to create public opinion through providing their audiences with a realistic picture of the world, activities of the leaders, governmental policies, etc. Mass media also tries to build public opinion through special articles, editorials, and commentaries.

  • To Achieve Goals:

An important objective of this communication is to achieve the desired goals of the organizations by persuading the target audience. The organization uses this communication media to influence its different stakeholders so that they help it to carry out its objectives.

To Persuade:

Mass communication aims at persuading people to bring a change in their beliefs, opinions, attitudes, and thinking on a number of issues like smoking, voting, religious convictions, donation, dowry culture, etc. Moreover, business enterprises design various advertisements to persuade potential customers.

  • To circulate government policies:

Another objective of mass communication is to announce and circulate government programs and policies. Mass media can bring such policies to the public notice very quickly.

  • To disseminate health and education programs:

The government takes various health and educational programs like vaccination, sanitation, birth control, open education, mass education, etc. These health and education programs are disseminated and implemented through me media like radio, television, films, newspapers, etc.

  • Promoting Products and Services:

This communication is heavily used to promote new and existing products and services. Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, the internet, etc. mass communication media convey messages related to products and services to prospective customers.

  • To help in facing disaster and calamity:

This communication also aims at creating public awareness to face natural and men made disasters like floods, earthquakes, war, riots, etc. with due courage and energy. Through mass media, necessary instructions, strategies, & programs are circulated so that people can take proactive preparation.

  • To highlight the diplomatic role:

In this uni-global world, every country wants to highlight its diplomatic role in global peacekeeping and development activities. Such a diplomatic role can conveniently be disseminated and highlighted through mass media.

  • To promote political ideologies:

Political parties rely on mass media to promote their ideologies, plans, programs, and manifestos. With the help of mass media, they try to create public opinion in their favor.

From the above discussion, we can conclude that mass communication has diversified objectives. Different messages have different aims. However, mass communication is mainly dedicated to ensuring well being of all classes of people in society.