Agenda and minutes are two of the most significant features of a meeting. An agenda is a catalog or consequences of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up, beginning with the call to order and ending with interruption. It serves as a plan or an outline of what will happen. There are many things on the mind of the person or organization who arranges the meeting such as the timetable, venue, the guests, meeting arrangement and so on. Therefore, an agenda is made before a meeting occurs. It generally includes one or more particular items of business to be measured.
Difference between Agenda and Minutes
Agenda is the schedule of a meeting and tells the sequence of events during the meeting to let the guests prepare in advance. The main difference is the Agenda is the” what is to be done in the meeting” which is required “before” started meeting & the minutes are “after” completion of the meeting.
Agenda – Agenda is premeditated to converse during the meeting. It is a statement that is used to express the timetable or the program of a meeting. It is arranged before the meeting occurs. It is a list of things that require be doing or discussing throughout the meeting. Agenda is necessary for the methodical contract of the business of a meeting in the appropriate order of consequence.
- Agenda means the topics to be discussed in a meeting.
- It is prepared before holding the meeting.
- It is read out at the beginning of a meeting.
- It does not require to be approved by the member’s concern.
- Generally, it is included in the notice book.
- It includes the points to be discussed.
- It is served by the higher or proper authority of the organization.
- It is signed by the secretary or convener of the meeting with a date.
- Agenda is the schedule of a meeting and tells the sequence of events during the meeting to let the guests prepare in advance.
- Meeting agenda is generally the outline of what is supposed to happen in a meeting. The structure and script of what will be discussed, etc.
Any formal meeting that is prepared requires making its agenda. It is customary for all organizations to send an agenda along with the notice of a meeting to all members. There is a sequence in which items are taken up and discussed during the meeting and the agenda of the meeting noticeably mentions this progression.
Minutes: The minutes of each meeting must include a reasonable and accurate outline of the proceedings. It is a word that is used to refer to an executive record of the procedures throughout a formal meeting. So, minutes are the abstract of the Meeting.
- Minutes are a brief but complete statement of motion and resolutions of a meeting.
- It is prepared at the time of the meeting or after the meeting.
- It is read out in the next meeting.
- It is must be approved by the participating members of the meeting.
- It is written in the resolution book.
- It includes complete motion and resolutions of the meeting.
- It is passed by the members of the meeting.
- It is duly signed by the chairperson of the meeting.
- Minutes refers to the official record of the proceedings of a formal meeting. Minutes are important to remind what happened during a meeting on a future date if people forget.
- The minutes are a step by step summary of what exactly did happen in the meeting, what motions were brought for and passed, etc.
It is an essential paper for the company as a like book of account. These minutes are also helpful for all those who are not able to be present at the meeting as they get to know the whole thing that took place throughout the meeting.