Before you can hire a full-time marketer, you must first learn about your ideal consumer and what is going on in the lives that will lead them to use you. You will be considerably more equipped when determining what form of marketing resource you want if you can master the following areas: I am going to show you three frameworks that will help you find answers to the questions above importantly, how to apply them to marketing and what you can uncover and learn with them. How to talk to people and acquire your first customer is a topic about which I prepared a resource.
Why would a consumer sign up for your service? Jobs to do may have been mentioned by a marketer (JTBD). In other words, this is something that helps you understand what your consumer wants to get out of ‘hiring’ your product.
A simple example: You do not hire a hammer to pound a nail into the wall; you hire a hammer to hang a picture to dress up your room. The hammer is assisting you in making your space look appealing, maybe sellable, or trendy in order to impress people.

The procedure is as follows: You should interview the right consumers and ask them questions like, “What are you eventually hoping to achieve?” “What is the first thing you’ll do?” and “Have you tried to address this problem yourself, and if so, which items have you cobbled together?” There is a science to asking the right questions, but the focus should be on what they are attempting to achieve. Take notice that this might be a time-consuming procedure because you must conduct extensive interviews, but the benefits are well worth it.
How to use it to the marketing of your startup: It might assist you in narrowing down your consumer base. There is a chance you will come up with a few prospective occupations that people want to do. Use the information to determine which group is willing to spend the most to get the ‘task’ done the best. This might aid in shortening the sales cycle or identifying more profitable customer possibilities.
What makes your consumer choose your product above others? While there are several frameworks available to assist you with your consumer research project, the most successful ones are based on Moesta’s work. He claims that when a buyer buys something, they go through six stages: initial thought, passive looking, actively looking, choosing, onboarding, and continued use.