Interviewing Process
Interview is a formal face-to-face oral conversation between interviewer and interviewee. Apart from other forms of oral communication, interview follows a different process. The tasks of interviewing start before conduction of actual interview. The following diagram represents the logical sequence or steps of interviewing process:
The process is discussed below:
Preparation: Interview is a formal face-to-face discussion between interviewer and interviewee. Before commencing the actual conversation, it requires adequate preparation on the part of the interviewer. In this step, the interviewer performs the following tasks:
- Determining the objectives of interview: Every interview is conducted for a specific goal. Here the interviewer sets the prime objective of conducting interview. For example, if it is employment interview, interviewer wants to find, the most suitable candidate for the job. Again, if it is a political interview, the interviewer tries to know the ideology and intention of the political leader.
- Selecting the method of interview: In this step, the interviewer selects the method of interview to be employed. Since there are various types of interview, the interviewer selects the hem method through which goals of interviewing can be achieved. For example, if it is a selection interview, the interviewer may select any one of directive, nondirective or stress interview.
- Analyzing the known information about the interviewee: In this step, the interviewer, for his convenience in interview session, seeks to find out and analyze some knows information about the interviewee. This helps the interviewer to conduct the interview in a logical and sequential way.
Opening the Interview: Every interview requires a formal opening. The interview session open with sitting. After that, the interviewer and the interviewee introduce themselves with each other. At the beginning of the session, the interviewer provides a feeling of confort to the interviewee through a friendly and warm tone.
Conduction of the interview: Actual interview starts after a formal opening. It is the heart of the interview session. Here the interviewer seeks to know the feelings, knowledge, attitudes etc of the interviewee through asking questions relating to the objectives of the interview. Along with the verbal response, interviewers carefully look at the nonverbal cues like, facial expression and eye movement of the interviewees. These nonverbal cues indicate the level of confidence and mental strength of the interviewees.
Close and evaluation: After the conduction stage, the interviewer tends to close the interview session by making an evaluation of the interviewee’s level of knowledge and qualities from different angles. Sometimes, the interviewee is given an opportunity to ask questions relating to the topic or subject of discussion.