
Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication

The United States applied mathematician Claude Shannon and also Industrial engineer Warren Weaver produced a new mathematical theory regarding conversation within 1949 although working at bell Mobile phone Laboratories in the United States. Afterwards, his style has grown to be well-known because “information theory”. Shannon and also Weaver’s style is commonly recognized because the course from which communication studies has exploded.

Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver’s Communication Model

Shannon and Weaver model consists of the following the elements:

  1. An information source, which produces a message
  2. A transmitter, who encodes the message into signals
  3. A channel, to which signals are adapted for transmission
  4. A receiver, who ‘decodes’ (reconstructs) the message from the signal
  5. A destination, where the message arrives.

In the model, they indicated a sixth element, “noise” as a dysfunctional factor.

The model is shown below:

Advantages of Shannon and Weaver’s model: The strengths of Shannon and Weaver’s model are:

  • simplicity
  • generality, and
  • quantifiably

Such advantages mode this mode/ attractive to several academic disciplines.

As Shannon was an engineer, this model was first made to improve technical communication, mainly for telephonic communication. It was made to maximize telephone capacity with minimum noise. Later, Weaver applied it for all kind of communications to develop effective communication and the model became famous as Shannon Weaver model.