
Submission of Documents for Forming Joint Stock Company

Submission of Documents for Forming Joint Stock Company

Submission of Documents for Forming Joint Stock Company

A company is an artificial and fecal person. It is invented by law and is also dissolute by law. These companies are being got registration by the Companies Act, 1994. For the Companies of maximum countries have one registrar. He has given registration to those companies that are formulated and established by law and upon the law. He also gave Certificate of Incorporation on the basis of these. The formalities, in case Public Companies, are more as compare to other companies.

Submission of documents: In this stage, the initiators collect the form from the registrar of Joint Stock Company and by adding some documents they submit the form. These documents are as follows:

a) Copy of Memorandum of Association.

b) Copy of Articles of Association. In the context of a public limited company if accepted in lieu of Articles of Association then the initiators must submit a declaration with the signature.

c) The initiators who want to be the directors they must submit their name, address, and occupation.

d) Directors must subunit the letter of agreement.

e) Directors have to submit the agreement of qualification shares.

f) Description of the vital capital of total capital of Joint Stock Company.

With the registration form, these documents must be submitted to the registrar as well as the required fee must be free to the registrar.