A while ago on the internet, people started sharing pictures of “Baby Platypus” as adorable as hell. We did a debunking, but as always, the posts came again and you probably cannot go to Facebook right now. You cannot go to Facebook right now without scrolling through this post to tell a relative to “LOOK AT THIS. It is a BABY PLATYPUS and I DEMAND you LOOK AT IT”. Sometimes, the little thing was wearing a cowboy hat. In addition, sometimes it is monosyllabic.
Several mega-viral tweets have deleted in shame, because, they probably got sick from being informed a thousand times a minute: it not a baby platypus, it is a rock. The adorable baby monotreme is actually an adorable baby statue created by artist Vladimir Matić-Kuriljov (see his other great works of art here).

Vladimir told IFLScience, “I just wanted to make it clearer that this is a super scalpel, a [sculpture] made of polymer clay.” “The description of the piece in my ArtStation post clearly states that it was just the title that became confusing – ‘Stone Platypus Baby considers that.”
Therefore, this is a great sculpture, but sadly not true Baby platypuses – which by the way are called puggles, like baby echidnas, also monotremes – do not look like this. They are, however, still cute as hell, and even squishier than the viral posts would have you believe.
The next one is actually Echidna but at least it is not rock. You all think “I think she looks beautiful” baby platypus picture it looks like a real baby platypus and she looks great! pic.twitter.com/awG0HujwOF
– Stinky asshole ass Loren (@laurennato) February 17, 2020
While we are here, let us share some information about this incredibly strange and great creature.
These are one of the few venomous mammals (males have venomous sparrows in their back feeds); a bill that detects electric fields and lays eggs. They nurse their youngsters even though they do not have nipples. They expel milk out of their mammary gland ducts, where it collects in the folds of their skin. The babies then suck it out of their fur or gently pull it out of their folds. We are losing these at an alarming rate, and we need to act quickly. However, the incident is not funny.