
The UN releases concept for floating city that could hold 10,000 in climate change concerns

The UN releases concept for floating city that could hold 10,000 in climate change concerns

The United Nations Program for Human Settlements, a multi-branch team of inventors unveiled an idea suitable for the world’s first sustainable floating city with 10,000 inhabitants, UN-accommodation a special assembly. If you’re imagining that Jetsons meets the water world, you’re totally right.

In particular, how self-sustaining floating populations are able to produce their own food, energy, fresh water, and zero waste can address growing concerns about displacement after future climate-related events.  The Round Table brings together inventors, explorers, marine engineers, and scientists to address the threat posed by coastal communities due to rising sea levels due to climate change.

Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat and UN Under-Secretary-General, emailed IFLScience said in a statement. “We, the UN agencies, have an obligation to work with cities, whether they are on land or in water. We are ready to engage in dialogue in sustainable floating cities to ensure that this growing sector prospers and for the benefit of all people. “

Proposed by architecture firm BIG, the nonprofit OCEANIX and the MTI Center for Ocean Engineering, the conceptual city is made up of multiple moods floating platforms that connect to each other to provide both residential and business-based structural housing,  Such as meant for farming or local gatherings. Also, manufacturers say that future pod-like electric vehicles will be provided to transport the “nearest” city to the nearest coast.

“Our goal is to ensure that sustainable floating cities are affordable and available in all necessary coastal areas. They should not be for the benefit of the rich. ”

Mark Collins Chen, co-founder, and CEO of OCEANIX, said, “It simply came to our notice then. We have the technology to survive in the water without killing the marine ecosystem. “

Manufacturers further note that cities will be able to live in tandem with the marine ecosystems below. For example, the “bear” floating reefs below the platform will have beaches, oysters, oysters, scallops, and clams that will “clear the water and accelerate the regeneration of the ecosystem”.

OCEANIX says its city can biologically transform and adapt over time, evolving from a population of around 300 to a city of 10,000. Three dozen 2 hectare (5 acres) floating communities and dozens of productive outposts can expand and contract over time.

The whole floating city can be unmoved and taken to a safe place in case of any major shift in weather patterns. The OCEANIX City is flood-proof and designed to withstand mega-storms – with ample notice.

Two out of five people worldwide live within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of the coast, while one in 10 lives in coastal areas less than 10 meters (33 feet) above sea level. Even the most conservative projection of future sea-level rise in the United States alone will affect 0.40 m (1 ft) growth by 2045, affecting 1440,000 homes. The immediate next steps aren’t clear yet, but we’ll let you know when the waitlist will go live.