
Written Media Forms of Upward Communication

Written Media Forms of Upward Communication

Written Media Forms of Upward Communication

The subordinates can communicate their problems, attitudes, complaints, and suggestions to their superiors through various ways. That means, there are a number ways, means and methods of upward communication.

Written Media of Upward Communication: The popular written media of upward communication are discussed below:

Report: Report is one of the most important and widely used media of upward communication. Subordinates prepare reports periodically or regularly on various routine issues. They also prepare special report when need arises. Reports are then submitted to the higher authority for supplying necessary information.

Memo: Memo is the short form of memorandum. Memo is a short piece of writings generally used to exchange information among the persons within the organization. Superiors usually send information to their subordinates through memo. However, subordinates can also write memos to convey essential information to their superiors for making decisions.

Suggestion and complaint boxes: Some organizations install suggestion and complaint boxes at some convenient places are the office or factory. Through suggestion box, management invites the employees to submit their suggestions for improving the efficiency of organizational operations. On the other hand, complaint box is placed to submit any complaint of the employees regarding any aspect of their employment.

Direct letters: Subordinates can write letters directly to their superiors at their own initiation or they may be asked by their superiors to write about any directed matter.

Questionnaire: Sometimes managers encourage upward communication by asking questions to their subordinates. For this purpose, they distribute questionnaires to the employees. Through questionnaires, management can know the attitudes, feelings, and complaints of the employees.