
Commencement of Business in terms of Company law

Commencement of Business in terms of Company law

Commencement of Business

If the amount of minimum subscription is raised through new issue of shares, a public company applies to the Registrar of Companies for the issue of Certificate of Commencement of Business. The following documents are required:

  1. A declaration that shares payable in cash have been subscribed for and allotted up to the minimum subscription mentioned in the prospectus;
  2. A declaration that every director has paid in cash, the application and allotment money on his shares in the same proportion as others;

  1. A declaration that no money is payable or liable to become payable to the applicants because of the failure of the company to either apply for or obtain permission to deal in its securities on a stock exchange; and
  2. A statutory declaration that the above requirements have been complied with. This declaration can be signed by a director or secretary of the company.

A public company raising funds privately, which has earlier filed a Statement in lieu of prospectus, has to submit only documents 2 and 4 listed above.