Modern Civilization

Contribution of Women

Contribution of Women

Contribution of Women

Women constitute half of the total population of our country. The work and functions of women are greatly important for the family. Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world. So, their role in our national development is great. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjusts to new realities and challenges. The woman performs the role of wife, partner, organizer, administrator, director, re-creator, disburser, economist, mother, disciplinarian, teacher, health officer, artist, and queen in the family at the same time. Apart from it, a woman plays a key role in the socio-economic development of the society.

In the past, women were dependent on males. But things are changing now. They are becoming educated. Properly educated and trained women can be of immense help to their husbands and working members of the family. Now they are conscious of their rights. They are no longer confined to the four walls of their homes. They are coming out of the home. They are joining many jobs. They are competing with men. The contribution of women to a society’s transition from pre-literate to literate likewise is undeniable. They are working in garments, educational institutions, malls, and factories. They can teach, train, and bring up their children on the right lines.

Many women are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, and so on. Many of them are protecting the country. They can advise their husbands and other members of the family in important property, business, and professional matters. Now, we see that women are involved in politics. They are becoming Prime Minister, Home Minister, Foreign Minister, and whatnot. Basic education is key to a nation’s ability to develop and achieve sustainability targets. Women are contributing to the family income. They have been able to bring happiness and peace to their families. Modern education and modern economic life use to compel women more and more to leave the narrow sphere of the family circle and work side by side for the enrichment of society.

Women play an important role in agriculture. Research has shown that education can improve agricultural productivity, enhance the status of girls and women, reduce population growth rates, enhance environmental protection, and widely raise the standard of living. Women are the key to sustainable development and quality of life. Their handicrafts earn foreign exchange. Thus they help in national development. So they should be members of the community center or club to disseminate knowledge about handicraft, cottage industries, food preservation, and low-cost nutritious diet to people belonging to low socioeconomic status for their economic upliftment. They are also becoming involved in the family planning campaign. Thus they are contributing to the national issues. At present men have changed their attitude towards women. Now every sector is open for women. They can easily join any job. They proved their worth. Like men, they are respected in every job.

Women are half the population worldwide; therefore, it would be foolish to ignore them while planning for national development and progress. In the emerging complex social scenario, women have a vital role to play in different sectors. They can no longer be considered as mere harbingers of peace but are emerging as the source of power and symbol of progress. We have to guide them and assist them in this regard for national purposes.