12 May (UPI) — Dmitri Petelin and Sergey Prokopyev, Russian cosmonauts, completed a five-hour spacewalk aboard the International Space Station on Friday.
The cosmonauts began the day by preparing their Orlan spacesuits in the Poisk airlock of the International Space Station, where they installed batteries, checked for leaks, and tested the suits’ communications systems.
Since April, the pair had undertaken two prior spacewalks, installing a radiator and moving an airlock from the Rassvet module to the Nauka scientific module.
According to NASA, the Cosmonauts evacuated the International Space Station via the Poisk airlock and headed toward the Nauka Science Module, where they triggered the radiator they added to the module during an April 19 spacewalk.

The cosmonauts were in space for five hours and fourteen minutes.
The Orlan spacesuits worn by Petelin and Prokopyev are an evolution of spacesuits originally designed for the Soviet moon program but later updated for use on the International Space Station.
On Wednesday, cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev, who has previously aided Petelin and Prokopyev on spacewalks, performed two experiments, attaching a sensor to measure his blood pressure and a piece of headgear designed to evaluate his reactions to simulated spacecraft and robotic arm work.