
Florida’s Manatees on Course for Record Number of Deaths this Year

Florida’s Manatees on Course for Record Number of Deaths this Year

You will pressure to speak badly against any meaning. Quickly chewing on the plants and spending their days navigating their way through the waters of the Americas and South America, these captivating, sensitive creatures have a way of staying calm about them.

They may be passive and tender animals, but figures from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission show that monkeys are probably in an aggressive position in the region, with more than 700 manatee deaths already in Florida this year – more than double the annual average. Manatee has a record of 804 deaths in 2018, but that was for the whole year, and in 2021, 749 people died in just one month. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Although these animals have attacked by humans, a “Trump” entered behind them earlier this year, probably due to a variety of factors.

Florida manatees are given special protection because of their vulnerability as both endangered and slow moving (e.g. easy to access) animals. These gentle giants are protecting under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978 and carry a heavy penalty for interfering with them. The record-breaking rate in 2021 looks set to try to find some effective answers as to why they are dying, and as the investigation continues, there are fears about what this could mean for the species survival.

One of the threats of these veggie-loving animals is that their favorite snack, the seagrass, is rapidly disappearing. Algae flowers thought to be responsible, a common occurrence in areas where agriculture and other ethnographic activities lead to spikes in certain nutrients in the waterways. Dense mats of algae block sunlight and threaten both animals and plants by using oxygen as such flowers can cause eutrophication. These large but surprisingly difficult animals (from the surface) are very difficult to navigate as ship traffic leads to ship strikes. It also thought that the use of glyphosate-containing pesticides could contaminate waterways and have a negative impact on individual survival.