
Gillmor Gang Old Brown Shoe

Gillmor Gang Old Brown Shoe

Succession, a fictionalization of the Murdoch family and its media empire, is now my favorite program. It is nonstop hilarity as the dad and children compete to be the most heinous. In the fight for leadership of the family firm, each of the principals vacillates between neurotic self-doubt and over-the-top delusion that they are somehow near to omnipotent. 

Characters that overdone last season adjusted this year in their interactions with the others. One of the Culkins, who utilizes the Culkin appearance to describe how he interchangeably earned the part, is my personal favorite.

It reminds me of Bogart, who is remembered as a star in history because his strength as an actor cannot be separated from the cumulative parts he played. Of all the gin establishments, this is the best…

Before Bill Cosby’s Noah performance with God and Bob Newhart’s phone calls with himself, these were the early catchphrases. Purchase both the setup and the bit. With Peter Sellers’ “precious bodily fluids” in Dr. Strangelove, Kubrick squeezed this even further. 

Then, in Hard Day’s Night, George Harrison says, “She’s a drag, a well-known drag…” Richard Lester directed the Goons’ short film with Sellers, and George Martin had recorded live records with the Goons. Now it was time for the first two Beatles movies.

Hard Day’s Night shot in black and white and had the impression of a French New Wave film, with light cameras and on-location shooting that blended flawlessly with Kubrick’s 2001 Space Opera. Each technique provided information to the other. 

In 2001, the onboard computer HAL adopted the same laconic distant demeanor (I apologize, Dave. I cannot do it) to reject his imprisoned astronaut, as George Harrison did when he was threatened with losing the role he was purportedly up for (I do not care.) The Beatle took over from the pompous advertising executive whose office he had stumbled into, and the computer took over from his putative human supervisor in each case. HAL is not sorry, and George does not seem to mind.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but Clubhouse’s Replay was the other shoe to drop. It does not allow you to record private sessions or even ones that are just viewable to people who have followed you. It makes sense to promote those (known as creators) who believe their work should maintain or post-produced in the same way that we do with music and titles. 

These are issues that I am concerned about, and I believe many others are as well. The mix of rhythm and resignation (I do not care) creates a relaxing effect in catchphrases.

Many people appreciate podcasts, but I prefer the serendipity of dialogue to the molehill constructed of a mountain. Because the government considers broadband to be an inherent right, streaming may replace podcasting. The economic paradigm that incentivizes manufacturing is still to be determined.

If the session is public, Clubhouse record is enabled by default. Each speaker’s profile adds a link to the room after it has finished. You may download an MP4 and publish it if you are the room’s host, but my preference is to provide a link to a notification stream like Twitter or a newsletter. 

You may listen to the session and go forward from speaker to speaker by clicking the Listen To button. So, three steps: create a room, share the chat, and track the thread as it branches throughout the social media landscape, low friction, ubiquitous tools and bandwidth, and the economic paradigm of developing confidence in collaborative outcomes. In the gig/creator economy, that is not terrible for a few nice minutes.