
How Companies are using the Internet to achieve Customer Value?

How Companies are using the Internet to achieve Customer Value?

The Internet is a rapidly growing network of millions of business education and research and network connecting hundreds of millions of computers and they are users in over two hundred countries. It is a network of global exchanges – including private, public, business, academic and government networks – connected by guided, wireless and fiber-optic technologies.

There are many ways to the internet to improve customer value, relationship, and services for the business. These are as follows –

  1. Lower support cost by empowering customer to solve issue independently.
  2. Provide global access to critical customer service information and forum at any time.
  3. Empower business partner with hot links to related online resolution information.
  4. Improve service by focusing internet customers support resources on complex issues.
  5. Create active service and marketing programs.
  6. Seamless web telephony integration for priority responsiveness.

There are a few key areas in which technology now is competent to facilitate present means advantages to businesses in engendering consumer devotion by improving customer service:

  • Websites – providing areas on your website where customers can get a brief analysis.
  • E-mail – more quickly respond to certain needs or help requests.
  • Telecommunications – Continuous communicate with a customer.
  • Better managing customer relationships with more sophisticated data-gathering tools.