
How Executive Support System helps making better decision?

How Executive Support System helps making better decision?

Executive Support Systems (ESS): An Executive Support System (ESS) is software that allows users to transform enterprise data into quickly accessible and executive-level reports, such as those used by billing, accounting, and staffing departments. An ESS enhances decision making for executives.

ESS is also known as Executive Information System (EIS).

An ESS facilitates access to organized enterprise and departmental data while providing analysis utilities and performance assessment predictors. An ESS provides potential outcomes and quick statistical data that are applied to decision making processes.

Executive support system (ESS) helps senior managers making a better decision in the following ways:

(1) Executive information systems (EIS) provide a variety of internal and external information to top managers in a highly summarized and convenient form.

(2) EIS is becoming an important tool of top-level control in many organizations. They help an executive spot a problem, an opportunity, or a trend.

(3) Executive information systems (EIS) provide a variety of internal and external information to top managers in a highly summarized and convenient form. EIS is becoming an important tool of top-level control in many organizations. They help an executive spot a problem, an opportunity, or a trend.

(4) An ESS can be understood as a friendly, fully customized and interactive DSS to be mostly used by top executives and policy-makers to get permanent and updated assessment in relation to key questions.

(5) While a complete DSS will have efficient links to external large database and advanced models, an ESS focuses only on interactive and executive assessment tools, those which can be used personally by end-users.