
How to Overcome Communication Barriers in Business Enterprises?

How to Overcome Communication Barriers in Business Enterprises?

Measures to Overcome the Communication Barriers in Business Enterprises of Developing Countries

Communication Barriers existing in the business enterprises of Developing Countries, like; Afghanistan, Panama, Angola, Haiti, Philippines, Bangladesh, Belarus, Iraq, Brazil, Kosovo, South Africa etc.,  are almost same as to the barriers to effective communication. The following measures can be taken to overcome the communication problems that exist in the business enterprises of Developing Countries:

Developing flat organization structure: In modern time, organizations prefer flat structure to a tall one. The flat structure has fewer hierarchical levels that reduce the communication gap between superiors and subordinates. Therefore, business enterprises in Developing Countries should design fa lat structure in place of the traditional tall structure.

Specifying objective of communication: In order to overcome the problem of ambiguity, communicator should specify the objective of communication. This will help him to arrange the massage concisely and clearly.

Clear-cut message: Top executives should send clear orders, instructions, policies, procedures and directions so that misunderstanding and confusion do not arise. This will enhance the effectiveness of communication.

Using simple language: Language creates numerous communication problems in othe rganization. Employees in the organization are neither equally educated nor trained. Therefore, the communicators should use simple and common words. At the same time, they should avoid technical jargons so that everyone can understand it.

Selecting proper media: Appropriate media should be used for effective communication. Manager should decide when to use oral medium and when to use written medium. While selecting the media, management must consider the nature of the message, its importance and complexity.

Encouraging feedback: Manager should encourage feedback from subordinates to attain the objective of communication. This will help the manager to know the reaction of subordinate and to take proper action.

Providing Communication training: Organizations can provide training to enhance the communication skills of their employees. In this regard, organizations can arrange seminars, or institutional training programs.

Creating Congenial Labour-management relationship: Harmonious relationship between labors and management is an essential for successful communication. Relationship between them affects the level of importance one party gives on the message of other. Therefore, management and labout should cooperate with each other to create a favorable communication climate.

Using modems communication technologies: In order to facilitate speedy and regular communication, organizations need to use modem communication devices.

Unbiased attitude of management: Management should be free from political, regional, and religious taintless. Their neutral attitude will bring a fair environment of communication in the organization.