After being misled by a satirical pro-vaccination advertisement made by comedy program, Gruen, podcast presenter Joe Rogan has lashed out against Australia. Rogan as an official campaign misinterpreted the commercial, which includes a direct mention to Rogan, by the Australian government, generating a raging social media backlash.
The outburst comes after Rogan said that Australia is being far too strong with its pandemic measures, claiming that the country is experiencing serious liberty difficulties because of COVID-19 lockdowns.
In an Instagram post, he says, “Not only has Australia had the worst reaction to the epidemic with dystopian, police-state methods that are absolutely unfathomable to the rest of the civilized world, but they also have the absolute worst propaganda.” The post has subsequently been updated to reflect the video’s satirical nature.
A person collapses in the video due to an apparent allergic reaction, and a witness tries to aid using an EpiPen. The person resists many times demanding the components and “statistics from Europe,” obliquely mocking the numerous justifications given by some people for refusing the COVID-19 vaccination. As he dies, he begs, “What does Joe Rogan say about it?” and then “call Joe,” before the commercial advises people to be vaccinated.
The footage plainly taken as an official release by Rogan used it as ammunition in his ongoing “war” against Australia’s lockdowns. Rogan said on a September podcast that Australia has become a “police state” and voiced displeasure with the military’s role in enforcing COVID-19 measures.
The fact that the rest of the world pays little attention to Australia is commonly accepted.
We get Austria mixed up from time to time. The US president has been known to forget the name of the prime minister on occasion. However, certain US lawmakers, Fox News shows, podcasters, and Facebook groups have been more obsessed with Australia’s COVID-19 rules in recent months. They claim that limits in jurisdictions like Victoria and New South Wales demonstrate “tyrannical” control.
While lockdowns have sparked heated discussion in Australia, the discourse in the United States is significantly more heated. Senator Ted Cruz has termed the Northern Territory’s Chief Minister “disgraceful” and the Governor of Florida wants the US to terminate diplomatic ties with Australia. Protesters have gathered outside Australia’s embassy in New York. Candace Owens, a right broadcaster, has even compared Australia’s government to the Taliban and asked for US soldiers on the ground.